Calm in The Storm

Six little children actively participated while I read a story in Sunday School. They pretended to be on a boat in the Sea of Galilee, moving up, down, and side to side. They tried to imagine what the disciples might have experienced during a very bad storm.
Young children enjoy stories and drama. They love to act out situations which help them understand lessons I want them to learn.
The lesson was Jesus Calms the Storm. Through laughter, giggles and silly interactions, it was difficult to pull them from their moments of active play. I wanted them to feel the depth of fear the disciples felt, as waves crashed and thunder rolled around them.
They clearly understood what happened next, when I stood up, turned on the light, and calmly said, ”Be still.” Quiet filled the room. The children sat down, ready to hear what I wanted to share. There was calm in the classroom.
Perhaps we need to call on God to help us recognize when we are in the middle of a storm. Yes, sometimes we need to be reminded that we are being tossed in a boat which has consumed us in chaos, and left us unprepared to recognize we need to be calmed.
My Sunday School students learned an important lesson. God can lead us to a place of calm. When we keep our eyes focused on Him, He can carry us through the storms of our lives, when we have faith to believe that He will…
What is the lesson God wants us to learn? If there were no problems or storms raging within us, would we remember to look toward Him? Would we call on our Father who is waiting to lead us…waiting to reach His children, and show us how to trust Him in all things?
Maybe storms are needed to help us find our way to the only One who can calm our sea of sufferings, and allow us to recognize when we have reached a place of safety, in His loving arms of strength…
“My soul finds rest in God alone; He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.” Psalm 62:1-2
God is near and He loves you,
Thank you God for lifting us to your loving arms of strength and carrying us through the many storms which need to be calmed by your loving presence in our lives.