May He give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed. Psalm 20: 4 NIV

God knows the plans He has for His children. As we witness the power of His greatness, we begin to discover His purpose for our lives. He helps us feel the joy of surrender and focus on the PEACE He provides. 

Every experience prepares us for what will happen next. Sometimes, we need to open our eyes and welcome the vision of success. God knows what Heā€™s doing to ready us to rise. He prepares us to do great things!  

In the journey of life, we will travel to places unknown and God will ALWAYS be with us. In times of change, we will recognize how He guides and provides. His constant love will cover us with everything we need to gratefully live our lives.  

God will use us in mighty ways! As JOY fills our hearts with the gratitude of new beginnings, we will be reminded who IS handling our days. We won't be stuck in doubt forever. God will grow our faith and lead us in the right direction.    

He gives us the desire to do what is pleasing to Him. God prepares us to serve Him with all of our hearts. He opens our eyes to welcome the calming of peace and provides what we need to make our plans succeed. 

He will lead us from a comfort zone and allow us to receive His blessings. He will reward our faithfulness and TRUST. God will place JOY in our hearts as we respond to His nudging. His plan will be fulfilled when we take steps to move ahead, stay on course and welcome the reward of His faithful love.  

Dear God, thank you for loving us when we forget whoā€™s in charge of ALL things. YOU know our hearts and ready us to do great things. Thank you for helping us choose which way to go. You help us step closer and embrace the JOY of knowing we have made a good decision. Thank you, Lord. Thank you for the power of Your love and designing a plan that perfectly fits our needs. Thank you for ALWAYS taking care of us. Amen


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