Growing with God...
God lovingly tends His garden of life, and prepares us to bloom. He chooses where we will be planted in His will, and promises to provide what we need to flourish in His grace.
It’s warm here in the Midwest. As I spend time watering my flowers, I notice the affects of the dry, hot weather. Beautiful blooms droop in the blazing sun, and leaves wilt toward their stems. Soil becomes hard and dry, and doesn't allow the plants to flourish, as they try to survive.
It’s interesting to see what happens when water is poured on hard soil. It pools on the top of the ground and slowly fades into the earth. In a matter of time, flowers once again reach toward the sky, and open wide to display their gifts of purpose. Droopy plants once again come to life, and soak in the water which will sustain them.
God is the Maker of every living thing. He nurtures us, as we thirst for life, and drink from His living water. Slowly He pours tender love in the places where our hearts have become hardened. He sprinkles us with what we need, as He prepares us to grow in His grace.
God patiently waits for us to display His gifts to the earth. He plants seeds of hope to cultivate a peaceful heart of praise, and allows us to rise from the precious layers of His love. But, we must be willing to allow Him to lovingly tend the garden of our lives, and nurture us as we begin to bloom.
How will God help you grow? How will you discover what is hidden under layers of weathered doubt? God is our great provider. He will help you produce a faithful heart and allow you to flourish. But first, you must trust Him to lovingly tend the garden of your life, and be prepared to grow with Him. Then, He will water you in His love and allow you to gratefully recognize when you have bloomed.
God is near and He loves YOU,
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