Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4: 6-7 NIV

The mighty Creator of heaven and earth knows the plans He has for our days. There is purpose in what He provides. He readies us to receive His love as we faithfully learn to TRUST and surrender the worries of our hearts.

Life is uncertain. We will question what happens next and become weary in our wonder. But, in moments to remind us who is working for good, Christ will show us how to trust the Father. He will bless the heart of our faithfulness and remind us why we should be grateful to the One who handles our days.

Jesus opens the eyes of our hearts. And, when we are held in His peace, He allows us to see glimpses of whatā€™s to come. He shows how to focus on strength from the Father and helps us remember to put our HOPE in Him.

If God can create heaven, earth and EVERY living thing, surely He will create desire in us to understand WHY we should be grateful. Let us praise Him for waking to another day of life and find reason in our hearts to love Him much, much more!

Dear God, Thank you for helping us recognize the power of Your love. You provide HOPE in every season of our lives and help us understand where to find strength. Before we complain about the happenings of this day, help us remember You are in charge of ALL things. Fill us with HOPE as we trust in the power of Your greatness and learn how it feels to welcome a grateful heart. Amen


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