On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Matthew 2: 11 NIV
The wise men traveled and found the Christ Child. In moments of worship and praise they humbled their hearts and gave Him their treasures. God’s will was revealed in the One who came to save. JESUS deserves our worship and praise. He deserves our everlasting love!
Sometimes, we’re not sure what to offer the King of Kings. But, Jesus
meets us right where we are. He shows us how to examine our lives,
journey in the right direction and discover how it feels to welcome a
grateful heart of thanks. And, when we have been led to a place of
worship and peace, He reminds us; what He wants is ALL of our LOVE.
God opens our eyes to recognize the power of Christ. He is near, He is here! He reaches out to us with the strength of His holiness, but why does He have to reach so far? Why can we not lift our hands to the One who saves, be available to Him and simply choose to hold on?
Jesus is deserving of our love. Let us consider what we will give the Christ Child. He is worth more than gold on this earth, but what He really desires is our hearts.
Dear God, Thank you for this season of hope and opportunities to welcome Jesus. As we bow down and worship the One who deserves everything we have to give, humble our hearts so we will understand what He desires the most. Amen
God opens our eyes to recognize the power of Christ. He is near, He is here! He reaches out to us with the strength of His holiness, but why does He have to reach so far? Why can we not lift our hands to the One who saves, be available to Him and simply choose to hold on?
Jesus is deserving of our love. Let us consider what we will give the Christ Child. He is worth more than gold on this earth, but what He really desires is our hearts.

Dear God, Thank you for this season of hope and opportunities to welcome Jesus. As we bow down and worship the One who deserves everything we have to give, humble our hearts so we will understand what He desires the most. Amen
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