“His master praised him for good work. ‘You have been faithful in handling this small amount,’ he told him, ‘so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Begin the joyous tasks I have assigned to you.’ TLB
God knows the plans He has for our lives. He equips us to serve Him with all of our hearts. He prepares us to grow in His greatness and remember who is working in our days.
Sometimes we become overwhelmed when there’s work to be done. We forget how to find needed strength. But we can find comfort in knowing God is with us. And when we serve Him with ALL of our hearts, He equips us to handle what needs to be done.
Sometimes we become overwhelmed when there’s work to be done. We forget how to find needed strength. But we can find comfort in knowing God is with us. And when we serve Him with ALL of our hearts, He equips us to handle what needs to be done.
When we use the gifts we’re given, God prepares us to do wonderful things! And as we remain faithful and TRUST, He grows the heart of who we are becoming... He allows us to see ourselves as He sees us; worthy of finding JOY in what He provides.
If we continue to doubt our abilities, we will never know how it feels to embrace a job well done. But God will grow us in the timing of His will. He will allow us to experience a heart of wholeness, as we give ourselves fully to Him. He WILL lead us where we find purpose in what He provides. We will NOT be consumed by worry, if we remain faithful and TRUST.
Dear God, Thank you for the power of Your will. Help us recognize when we have been readied to step ahead and discover the plans You have for our days. We will put our trust in You and open our hearts for ALL You provide. We will honor You with the labors of our love and faithfully remember You really DO know what’s best for our lives. We will work hard and welcome the gift of a grateful heart. Thank you, Lord. Thank you! Amen
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