In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success. Proverbs 3:6
As we journey ahead in life, often we need to be reminded we don’t travel alone. God paves a path to follow and guides us every step of the way. He opens our eyes for clarity and shows which way to go. And as we remain faithful, He offers help along the way. He prepares us to be used by Him and discover the reward of being faithful.
Traveling together is important to God. His timing is not our own. As He readies us for what will be discovered, He prepares us for obstacles along the way. He handles bumps in the road and provides STRENGTH to keep on going. And when we allow Him to lead, He fills us with a heart of TRUST as we’re readied to step ahead.
God knows why we’re sometimes afraid to move along. He longs for us to stop questioning the power of His plan. He helps us examine our lives and understand He is SO MUCH bigger than our fear. He knows how to remove our doubt. He reminds us what will happen when we let Him lead and allow Him to guide and provide.
God DOES have a plan for our days. He WILL prepare us for the journey. He WILL teach us valuable lessons along the way and gives us glimpses of what’s to come. With God in control, we won’t have to worry about our travels. If we surrender fear and trust He knows what’s best for our lives, He will keep us going. He will humble our hearts to remain faithful and help us remember; HOPE will always come from a heart that is grateful.
Dear God, thank you for showing us how to let go and let YOU lead us. When doubt tries to rob the HOPE in our lives, help us release our worries and learn how to travel with YOU. We will find strength in the timing of Your will and remain on the path You have chosen. Thank you for navigating our days and giving us reason to put our TRUST in YOU. You are a mighty, awesome GUIDE. YOU are worthy of our ALL of our love! Amen
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