“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.” For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. Matthew 7: 7-8 NLT 

Walls provide shelter and hold us in place. But sometimes, we become too comfortable in our space. We site behind doors of doubt and neglect to desire to discover what's waiting on the other side.  

It can be comforting to live inside walls we create for ourselves, but God wants us to experience so much more! He readies us to serve with a heart of HOPE and longs for us to see how it feels to step from a comfort zone. 

Jesus readies us to discover the power of God’s strength. He helps us examine our hearts and understand we have been created to do amazing things! He sees behind the walls we build and knows how to nurture a faithful heart. 

He helps us recognize what's been missing and teaches how to be faithful and TRUST. As we prayerfully ask to be led by God’s greatness, He renews us with DESIRE to be blessed. We mustn’t be afraid to respond to His nudging. 

God will show us WHY we are worthy of grace. He will remind us we CAN do great things! We must allow Him to remove what’s holding us back and leave fear behind! It’s time to turn the key that will open our hearts for fullness and find beautiful blessings in what He will choose to provide.    

Dear God, Thank you for Your everlasting love. Thank you for knowing our hearts and loving us through all things. Forgive us when we hide behind doors of doubt and allow fear to rob us of what we need. Tear down the walls of worry and help us see what waits to be discovered. We will love You with all of our hearts, as we faithfully remember to TRUST in You and open our eyes for the precious opportunities You will provide for us to be blessed. We’re so grateful for Your handling of our lives. Thank you, Lord! Amen


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