“being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6

God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things. He pulls us from stale routines and helps develop a passion of purpose in our lives. He arms us with everything we need to be filled by His holiness and readied to keep on going…He gives us courage and STRENGTH.

As we pray to be led by His greatness, God blesses us! In the timing of His will, He helps us understand why we need Him. He shows how it feels to be gratefully fulfilled and humbles our hearts to remember when He guides, we never have to travel alone. 

God humbles our hearts to remember we will never step alone as He prepares us to find JOY in the journey. As we work hard to serve Him, He demonstrates the power of His love. He removes the frailties of doubt and gives us HOPE as we follow Jesus. He guides us where He wants us to go as we learn to TRUST Him with our lives. 

God allows us to see how it feels to be known as His own. He opens our hearts for growth. He heads us in the right direction and gives us the tools we need to be successful. He helps us embrace a heart of HOPE and moves us in the right direction.  

God is the One who helps us find PURPOSE and PEACE. As we respond to His nudging, surely, He will bless us. We will be rewarded as we use our talents and focus on what’s to come...

Won’t it be wonderful to walk in the courage of confidence and recognize who gives us STRENGTH? God will help us keep on going. There will never be a day without His presence in our lives. He knows where we're headed. He will ALWAYS guide and provide for each one of us. 

 Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need. Matthew 6:33 NLT 

God, thank you for growing us and handling our days. Open our hearts to receive Your love. Help us remember we have been created to do amazing things! We will embrace the JOY You provide as You help us remain faithful and grow. You give purpose to our days and we are grateful! Thank you, Lord! Thank you for the PEACE You provide as we TRUST in You and move where You want us to GO… Amen



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