Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things He does for me. Psalm 102:3 NLT 

When children shine the light of Christ, it blesses us in beautiful ways to witness their LOVE for Jesus and clearly SEE their JOY! We can learn a lot from little ones who do whatever it takes to share Good News with excitement! 

How sweet it is to watch them PRAISE with beautiful intention. It helps us reflect on HOW we honor God. He desires us to LOVE Him with ALL of our hearts with child-like faith, TRUST Him ALL of our days and always be ready to PRAISE HIM with a willing heart. 

Jesus said, ā€œLet the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.ā€ Matthew 19:14 NIV

When we have a story to tell, we should never keep it to ourselves or hide the light of Christ where others canā€™t see. We were created to glorify God and put Him first about ALL things. ā€œIn whatever situation we are in, it means allowing His love for us to overflow into the lives of the people around usā€ This is HOW to glorify God! 

The sweet song, ā€œThis Little Light of Mineā€ should have meaning to us as we share about the goodness of God and witness HOW He uses us in mighty ways to share His love. The Bible says, And whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. Colossians 3:17 

When God gives us precious opportunities to serve Him in wonderful ways, we should always be READY to share what has already been given us to glow by His greatness!   

PRAISE the One who calls us worthy and LOVE like little children; unashamed to share our JOY! May we never forget; even on the darkest days, God WILL use us to light the way to demonstrate WHY it is well with our souls. 

Dear God, thank you for Your never-ending love. It blesses us in beautiful ways. Forgive us when we turn away and place other things in front of You. Help us love with the compassion of Christ and never be ashamed to shine His light, so others will witness what we know in our hearts to be true. Use us in mighty ways to share the Good News and always be ready to welcome the Joy of Jesus! Amen


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