A Note from Nan

Hello friends, Welcome! This is where you will find encouragement and strength from the writing God inspires. I'm grateful He uses me to write every day! God provides fuel for our souls. He knows how to lead us toward the presence of peace. While we are cradled in care, He opens our eyes for what's to come. He lifts us where we see glimpses of what's ahead as we learn to totally trust. 

Come and join us here for daily devotions. God will arm us with everything we need to embrace the power of His love. He will help us remain faithful as we surrender our doubt. God will provide a passion of purpose for the gifts He provides. Surely, He will show us how to embrace the blessing of a grateful heart. I am a devotional writer. But there is much more I want you to know about ME... 

I am a preschool teacher in a faith-based program! I LOVE greeting my students each and every day and sharing their excitement! I have a passion for nurturing God's children. I love teaching them to become confident, successful learners. Even though my three year old's keep me REALLY busy, I LOVE feeling their joy!   

I am a Funeral Services Assistant....Yes, I am BUSY! God has given me a heart to recognize the needs of those who grieve. My experience helping families through difficult times in their lives has  nurtured my writing. I enjoy partnering with Family Hospice to provide devotions for their patients and caregivers. I'm grateful God has opened doors of opportunity as I serve Him with compassion and love.

I am a published author...Here is a picture of me and my father, Donald Grachek. What a blessing it was for him to read A Grateful Parting in The Upper Room, his favorite magazine! The message was inspired after a visit when it was time to say "goodbye".  My dad prayed with me on that day and told me to always leave with a grateful heart! Of course, I had to write about it.

Here we are on the last day of Dad and Daughters Week. Every summer we celebrate the life of our mother Bettye Grachek. This is precious way for my sisters and I to remember our mother and spend quality time with our dear dad.                     

Through the years, God has blessed me and my family through the ups and downs and in between.  He has been faithful to guide and provide for each one of us. I'm grateful for my family. They continue to support my writing and encourage me to use the gifts God graciously provides.  Aren't we lucky to have a Father who loves us so much?


God bless you, friends. Please come back again soon. Have a day that makes you smile! 


  1. Well done!: ♛♥♪♥ Thank you — #Happy2021

  2. Thank you 🙏 I enjoyed your beautiful writing


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